Tank Commander Crushed To Death By Own Panzer

A soldie was crushed to death by his 70-tonne battle tank when it smashed through a crash barrier and plunged down an embankment.

Photo shows the Leopard tank that overturned and fell over an embankment. In Zwettl, Lower Austria on Monday, October 16, 2023. Soldier, 24, died. (Newsflash)

The 24-year-old sergeant, who has not been named, was caught between the giant Leopard 2 tank and the ground as his head and torso stuck out of the gun turret.

Three other solidiiers were injured in the fall.

Local media reports that the tank from Austria’s Panzer Battalion 14 was returning from a training exercise when it veered off the road on 16th October.

A 23-year-old sergeant and two other servicemen aged 19 and 20 were taken to hospital for treatment to minor injuries, reports local media.

Photographs of the crash in Allentsteig, Lower Austria, show the crushed crash barrier where the massive tank left the road.

Further images show the up-ended tank on its nose after hitting the bottom of the embankment.

Photo shows the place where a Leopard tank overturned and fell over an embankment. In Zwettl, Lower Austria on Monday, October 16, 2023. Soldier, 24, died. (Newsflash)

Austrian Armed Forces spokesperson Michael Bauer said that the 24-year-old trooper lost his life after he got trapped between the tank and the ground.

He said: “The #FederalArmy regrets that a professional sergeant was killed in an accident with a battle tank in Allentsteig.

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“Three other soldiers, a non-commissioned officer, and two military servants were slightly injured.

“Our thoughts are with our comrade’s relatives.”

The Federal Ministry of Defense later released a statement, saying: “The Federal Army mourns the loss of a career sergeant.

“The three other troopers, including a professional sergeant and two servicemen who were also in the tank. Were slightly injured and were released from the hospital this morning after psychological care.

Photo shows the place where a Leopard tank overturned and fell over an embankment. In Zwettl, Lower Austria on Monday, October 16, 2023. Soldier, 24, died. (Newsflash)

“The deceased sergeant was in the commander’s position during the journey and was trapped between the tank and the ground as a result of the accident.”

Emergency crews with a helicopter were instantly deployed to rescue the soldiers, however, the sergeant was declared dead at the scene.

The tank was recovered, but local media said the reasons for the crash remain unknown.

Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner, 53, said: “My thoughts are with the family and friends of the deceased soldier.”

Austria’s Armed Forces said they are investigating the case.


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